I’m in an improv group FOR FUN! What some might consider pure torture, I enjoy. The challenge of coming up with decisions on the spot and committing to them is a healthy practice for me in my personal and professional life. We play a game called “New Choice.” Often times in coaching, people see only options when then make decisions. They can see a fork in the road where they must choose to go left or right. That’s it. When faced with only two choices, naturally … they get discouraged. But what if I as the coach yell, “NEW CHOICE!” In other words, “What other options do you have?” Life is improv … consider your options in decision making to rewire the brain.

You Can Trust Your Gut

You Can Trust Your Gut

Growing up in the church meant that I learned to pray … A LOT! And if prayer wasn’t working, we would consult people in our small group. In other words, don’t trust yourself … trust outside sources for the answers. Meanwhile, the older women in my life would ask, “What’s your gut say?” In my later years, during therapy I did a body audit of past decisions …

Unlock the Power within You

Unlock the Power within You

Within each of us resides an extraordinary power—the power to change. It is a force that transcends circumstances, limitations, and past experiences. This innate capacity for transformation lies dormant, awaiting acknowledgment and activation. When we embrace the belief that change is not only possible but inevitable, we unlock the shackles of self-doubt and fear.

How to Embrace Rest and Retreat

How to Embrace Rest and Retreat

“I gotta get outta here” is the text message my friend sent mid-February. I replied, “Let’s book a ticket today.” In a world that celebrates speed, hustle, and constant connectivity, the notion of rest can sometimes feel like a luxury we can't afford or, worse, a sign of laziness. However, rest is not just a break from the chaos; it is an essential ingredient for sustained productivity, creativity, and well-being.

Betrayal Trauma & Life After

Betrayal Trauma & Life After

It’s National Woman’s History month and I have been included in the Traverse Magazine issue of “Shining Bright - How this year’s North Stars are changing our world.” I feel very honored to be included with so many women who are making a difference in this world. Inside this issue you can read about betrayal trauma and the life after.

The Myth of "Work-Life Balance"

The Myth of "Work-Life Balance"

I hear clients say, “I want more balance.” As I push harder for what their definition of what balance means, I hear words like: time management, boundaries, availability, money, marriage, kids and help. It’s all too much and they are getting pulled in too many directions. Ultimately, they can’t give one thing up to serve the other. However, the way in which they perceive their reality and live within it can change. The next question is this, “Can I have it all?”

My answer is this, “You can have it all, but not all at once.”

Which is why I think the ‘work-life’ balance is a myth. The unicorn of past realities. Or modern lives require something else of us.

Don't Let Go

Don't Let Go

Some of the best advice came from a friend, a therapist who is wise beyond her years. Life gave her a lot to manage from the start and the gift keeps giving. I called her, wanting to help me make sense of a crisis situation and the aftermath that followed. The well meaning advice from friends and family was quite clear: Get over it. Move on. Leave what happened in the rearview mirror.

I tried. A lot. Over and over. It wasn’t working.

This is what she said to me and what you might need to hear today …

Are You Experiencing Burnout?

Are You Experiencing Burnout?

A friend recently said to me, “Shea, are you okay? You seem a little out of it.” I wasn’t just tired. I had to admit, I was burned out. Like always, I overcommitted myself and underestimated the timing of things. This is typical of the creative, ADHD types with a lot of FOMO (fear of missing out). Here’s how you’ll know: The fun things become not so fun and the people, places and things that used to bring joy will feel like … dare I say, “work.”

READ MORE: (unless it feels like work)

Invest in Yourself = 100% ROI

Invest in Yourself = 100% ROI

Coaching, especially “Life Coaching” has a brand problem. People ask, “What do you mean you coach my whole life? How’s that possible? You can’t know everything or understand it.”


I do, however, understand people. I help extract my clients’ deepest truths, make sense of them and show a clear path forward. I listen, organize and strategize. Your path has always been there, but as a coach … I help you get there A LOT FASTER! In this blog I explain how life coaching transforms your personal and professional life.

6 Tips for the 4th Quarter

6 Tips for the 4th Quarter

Beginning October 1st, we enter the 4th quarter. As your coach, I’m here to give you a little pep talk. This is for executives, managers, team leaders or entrepreneurs. No one wants to reach the end of their year and look back with regret or a higher tax bills than expected. You don’t want to see yourself in the red. You want to win and I’m here to help you do that. Here’s 6 tips for the 4th Quarter.

Embracing Vulnerability: The Path to Loving and Trusting Yourself

Embracing Vulnerability: The Path to Loving and Trusting Yourself

About 10 years ago I became very ill. My immune system went into overdrive and developed an oversensitivity to absolutely everything. I have spoken very openly about this health crisis in hopes that one day, I would network my way into healing. Then, one day I made a decision to love my body into health because hating it wasn’t working. In fact, it was creating more shame and anxiety. The lines got blurry. As a coach, I want you to experience loving yourself because this is where the real transformation begins.

The #1 Predictor of Success: Self Awareness

The #1 Predictor of Success: Self Awareness

Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your own thoughts, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and the impact of your behavior on others. When you possess self-awareness, you can make better decisions, build healthier relationships, and navigate challenges more effectively. Self-awareness is not just a buzzword in the world of personal development; it's a crucial soft skill that can drive hard numbers and propel individuals and businesses to new heights. In this blog post, I dive deep into why self-awareness is the number one predictor of success, and I’ll provide you with five practical steps to improve self-awareness, including the valuable resource of hiring a coach.

Meet Joyce, the Original Life Coach

Meet Joyce, the Original Life Coach

According to Gallup, Adults in the U.S. who regularly say hello to multiple people in their neighborhood have higher wellbeing than those who greet fewer or no neighbors. This is good news for me. At 96 years old, my neighbor Joyce, who I refer to as "The Original Life Coach" has become more than a neighbor, she has become a friend. This week she had a revelation about trauma ...

Meet my neighbor Joyce, the Original Life Coach

A Forced Break.

A Forced Break.

Many years ago my sister was traveling home going north on icy, wintery roads in a small Toyota Camry. The route was familiar. About 30 minutes from our parents, she put her left turn signal on to exit off the highway. As she started to turn, the semi behind her had already began to pass at 70 mph. He didn’t see her turn signal and she didn’t see him alongside her …