You Will Rise

It feels like we are speeding around the last corner of the race propelling ourselves farther, faster, and fiercer than a year ago. We are ready to spin off into the next chapter putting this one behind us. Maybe it’s the spring air and longer days. Maybe it’s simply because the pandemic has done its inner work in us and we are ready to rise out of the isolation and into the light. Some of us have kept a steady pace, others of us have stopped for a long while and are ready to start again. Others of us crashed and burned. The truth is, there isn’t a right way. Why? Because …

We’ve never done this before.

The entire world hit the pause button and it forced us to face ourselves in ways we never imagined. The previous chaos of life leading up to 2020 kept us in patterns we never noticed. The intensity was all consuming and guess what? I loved it because I had found my groove. It was like a rave party - rhythmic, mesmerizing and …. completely unsustainable.

If there is a silver lining - I have found it in the crumbling (previous post “Crumble With It”). I have hope that we too will rise again from the depths of our own undoing. We will stand up from this place and look back with gratitude that “it” did its work in us. We can acknowledge and celebrate that the darkness doesn’t last forever.

It’s been said, a thousand times over (thank you Tony Robbins) that life isn’t happening TO US, it is happening FOR US. We have command, agency and sovereignty to choose.

Even in the darkness, we can imagine the light.

Let me encourage you not to accept where you are as forever. Catch the momentum of the moment, learn and rise from it. Go towards what is good. Face the light and position yourself to be lifted.

You will rise.

I will be your witness.