Just Keep Moving

I wake up every day excited to see my clients and I end everyday with another chapter in mind for a book.

In between I have podcast interview questions ruminating, marketing ideas, connections I want to make and dream teams I want to work with.

My house isn’t perfectly clean, my diet is half-assed and my accounts aren’t as steady as they once were. As one client says repeatedly, “It’s all good.”

I had no idea how exhilarating and terrifying working full time (not just side hustle’n) as a coach would be.

That’s the theme this year, to hold opposing emotions at once and not abandon either or hold too firmly to one. And … to keep moving!

I wouldn’t call it balance, it’s more of an excursion into unknown territories without a map for the ship! Some days it’s slow, other days I’m throwing it down. It’s been a high winds and smooth sailing. I’ve been alone at sea and with others 🥂 (pictured: my friend Courtney of Cultured Kombucha!)

If you grapple with the loss of people, revenue, confidence, identity and the clarity to move forward … I understand. Keep in mind, it’s always easier to steer a moving ship.

Just keep moving towards the little things that bring you a spark of joy and life. Energy begets energy. Build on it one moment, day, week, month at a time.
Suddenly, a year will have passed and everything that felt like a loss, is a win.

I promise. Just keep moving. Did I say that yet? 😉