You Can Trust Your Gut

The Science Behind Trusting Your Gut: How Intuition Speaks to Facts, Not Just Opinions

Growing up in the church meant that I learned to pray … A LOT! And if prayer wasn’t working, we would consult people in our small group. In other words, don’t trust yourself … trust outside sources for the answers. Meanwhile, the older women in my life would ask, “What’s your gut say?” The question was lost on me. I was someone who lived in my head and besides, wasn’t God going to answer? I am a sinner. No choice of mine could be trusted. Insert a DEEP SIGH AND YEARS OF SUFFERING!

In my later years, during therapy I did a body audit of past decisions. I could see that everytime I felt good about a decision, my body felt good too. And every time I didn’t feel good about a decision, I would get migraines and feel sick. Even then, I would push past the wisdom of my body. Guess what happened when I did? I paid a severe price.

I learned to start saying “no” and letting myself live with displeasing others and letting them be disappointed. It was foreign to me.

Since then, I’ve learned a lot and science has continue to confirm that your gut is actually very intelligent. Or, as one gift card said,


But what exactly does that mean, and is there any scientific basis behind it? Surprisingly, yes! The phenomenon of intuition, often felt as a "gut feeling," has a solid foundation in neuroscience. In this blog, we'll explore the fascinating science behind listening to your gut and why it's more than just a whimsical notion.

The science behind listening to your gut is a fascinating area of study that sheds light on the complex interplay between our gut, brain, and decision-making processes. By understanding the gut-brain connection and recognizing the physical responses to decision-making, we can learn to trust our intuition and make more informed choices in our lives.

The Gut-Brain Connection: Our gut and brain are intricately connected through what scientists call the gut-brain axis. This bi-directional communication system allows for constant information exchange between the two organs. But what's even more intriguing is the role of the gut microbiome in influencing brain function and behavior. Recent research has shown that the diverse community of microorganisms residing in our gut can affect our mood, cognition, and even decision-making processes.

Intuitive Decision Making: Intuition, often dismissed as mere guesswork or irrationality, is now understood to be a complex cognitive process. It involves rapid, subconscious processing of vast amounts of information that our brain synthesizes into a gut feeling or instinct. This intuitive insight is not based on random thoughts or opinions but is rooted in our brain's ability to recognize patterns and make quick assessments of situations based on past experiences and learned knowledge.

Physical Responses to Decision Making: Have you ever felt your heart race or your palms sweat when faced with a tough decision? These physical responses are not coincidental but are part of our body's natural reaction to stress or excitement. Studies have shown that our autonomic nervous system, responsible for regulating involuntary bodily functions, kicks into high gear during decision-making processes. These physiological changes, including gut reactions, can serve as valuable signals to inform our intuitive judgments.

Trusting Your Gut: Contrary to popular belief, intuition is not a mystical power reserved for a select few. It's a skill that we all possess and can cultivate through mindfulness and self-awareness. Learning to trust your gut involves tuning into your body's signals, acknowledging your instincts, and recognizing when they align with logical reasoning. Numerous anecdotes and scientific studies attest to the power of intuition in guiding successful outcomes, from business decisions to personal relationships.

In Conclusion: Listening to your gut isn't just about following whims or hunches—it's about tapping into the innate wisdom of your subconscious mind. The science behind intuition reveals that our gut feelings are often grounded in facts and informed by the intricate interplay between our gut, brain, and body. If you're faced with a tough decision, don't be afraid to trust your gut—it might just lead you to the right answer.

So the next time you feel that familiar tug in your gut, don't ignore it—
it could be your intuition speaking to you loud and clear.