Why Settle Now?

Hey there!

It’s your intuition checking in. Just wanted to see how you’re holding up on the 74th day of January. I also wanted to ask about that “thing” you’re deciding on. It’s been sitting in mental purgatory for quite sometime. Can I suggest something?

Don’t settle now.

You’ve waited this long as others challenged your values, pushed your boundaries and made you question yourself. You stayed strong with your quiet, “No thank you” and “interesting” replies. I know you’re irritated and want to give an answer ….


You know what you want and it will come if you are willing to wait. Don’t let your anxiety tell you different. This is no time to settle or rush answers. In fact, you might be waiting on someone else to make the first move. It’s not always up to us.

Your, “Oh HELL YES!” is on the way … just not today.