The #1 Predictor of Success: Self Awareness


Often times when we look at others around us who appear to be more successful, we get easily discouraged. Perhaps the stars aligned perfectly on the day they were born. Or, they come from money … that’s IT! They are a trust fund kid! Or maybe their IQ is off the charts - who can compete with that?

Did you know that your IQ is mostly fixed but your EQ (emotional intelligence) can grow?

Emotional intelligence is often dismissed as a soft skill, but the data speaks volumes about its impact on success. A study conducted by TalentSmart, a leading provider of emotional intelligence assessments, found that EQ is responsible for 58% of success across all job types. It's not just about understanding emotions; it's about harnessing them for better decision-making, effective communication, and building strong relationships.

And while success is a multifaceted concept, and while many factors contribute to achieving it, one stands out as the ultimate predictor: self-awareness.

What is Self-Awareness?

Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your own thoughts, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and the impact of your behavior on others. When you possess self-awareness, you can make better decisions, build healthier relationships, and navigate challenges more effectively. Self-awareness is not just a buzzword in the world of personal development; it's a crucial soft skill that can drive hard numbers and propel individuals and businesses to new heights. In this blog post, I dive deep into why self-awareness is the number one predictor of success, and I’ll provide you with five practical steps to improve self-awareness, including the valuable resource of hiring a coach.

Maybe they were born with it. Or maybe they invested in self-awareness.
— sp

5 Ways self-awareness drives success:

  1. Improved Decision-Making:

    Self-aware individuals are better equipped to make decisions aligned with their values, goals, and abilities. They can assess situations objectively, understand their biases, and consider the potential consequences of their choices. This clarity in decision-making enhances their chances of achieving desired outcomes.

  2. Effective Communication:

    Success often relies on collaboration and effective communication. Self-awareness enables you to understand not only your own communication style but also the styles of those around you. This knowledge fosters better teamwork, negotiation, and conflict resolution.

  3. Enhanced Leadership:

    Self-awareness is a cornerstone of effective leadership. Leaders who are attuned to their own strengths and limitations can inspire and motivate their teams, making them more likely to achieve organizational goals. They also demonstrate authenticity and emotional intelligence, which are qualities that employees respect and follow.

  4. Resilience:

    Life is filled with challenges, setbacks, and failures. Self-aware individuals are more resilient because they can process their emotions, learn from their experiences, and adapt to adversity. This ability to bounce back is a key factor in long-term success.

  5. Continuous Improvement:

    Self-awareness fuels a growth mindset, the belief that one can develop and improve through effort and learning. Successful individuals consistently seek ways to enhance their skills and knowledge, and self-awareness helps them identify areas for growth.

Five Steps to Improve Self-Awareness:

  1. Mindfulness Meditation:

    Practicing mindfulness meditation (or prayer) is an excellent way to become more attuned to your thoughts and emotions. Spend a few minutes each day in quiet reflection, focusing on your breath and observing your inner experiences without judgment. This practice can help you identify patterns and triggers that affect your behavior.

  2. Journaling:

    Keeping a journal allows you to record your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Regular journaling can reveal recurring themes and emotions in your life. Reviewing your journal entries can help you gain insights into your behavior and motivations. This is something I require my clients to do as a regular practice to access their subconscious.

  3. Seek Feedback:

    Actively seek feedback from trusted friends, family members, colleagues, or mentors. Ask for their honest assessments of your strengths and weaknesses. Be open to constructive criticism, as it can provide valuable insights that you might not see on your own.

  4. Psychometric Assessments:

    Consider taking psychometric assessments such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Emotional Intelligence Appraisal. These tools can provide a structured framework for understanding your personality traits, preferences, and emotional intelligence, enhancing your self-awareness. I personally like using the Enneagram and Strengths Finder too!

  5. Hire a Coach:

    Perhaps the most effective way to improve self-awareness is to hire a coach. Coaches are trained to help individuals uncover blind spots, set goals, and develop strategies for personal and professional growth. They provide objective perspectives and guidance tailored to your unique needs.

The ROI of Self-Awareness:

In today's competitive landscape, businesses and individuals alike are constantly searching for ways to gain a competitive edge. Self-awareness is the secret weapon that can give you that edge. When applied in professional settings, self-awareness leads to:

  1. Increased Productivity:

    Self-aware employees are more focused, better at time management, and less prone to distractions. This heightened productivity directly contributes to a company's success.

  2. Improved Leadership:

    Self-aware leaders are more effective at managing teams, resolving conflicts, and creating a positive workplace culture. This translates into higher employee retention and better company performance.

  3. Enhanced Customer Relations:

    Businesses with self-aware customer-facing employees are more adept at understanding customer needs and providing tailored solutions. This leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  4. Innovation and Adaptability:

    Self-aware individuals and organizations are better equipped to recognize changing market trends and adapt to new challenges. This agility is crucial for staying competitive in today's fast-paced world.

Self-awareness is the secret weapon that can give you that edge.
— sp

Good NEWS!

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of personal and professional success and you have control of it. By improving your self-awareness through mindfulness, journaling, seeking feedback, psychometric assessments, and hiring a coach, you can unlock your full potential and achieve your goals.

Remember, self-awareness is not just a soft skill; it drives hard numbers and results, making it the number one predictor of success in any endeavor. Embrace self-awareness, and watch your journey to success unfold.

The Holy Sh/ft is a 6 month immersive experience that will help you improve your self-awareness and connection to others too. Transform your life by knowing who you are,
what you want and where you want to go.

Read more about it HERE!